water treatment solutions





We provide
future water treatment solutions today.

Modern, innovative applications
Continuous & fast process
Consistent process quality
Modular & patented
Customized solutions
Energy efficient

SansOx profile

SansOx Ltd provide new technology and applications for industrial and potable water purification or treatment of sewages, but also for, e.g. plantation and fish farming in order to exceed biological growth.

We provide customized solutions and service.

 Our commitment is to develop new solutions and innovations for water treatment needs worldwide.

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water treatment solutions





We provide future
water treatment solutions today.

Modern, innovative applications
Continuous & fast process
Consistent process quality
Modular & patented
Customized solutions
Energy efficient

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SansOx Ltd provide new technology and applications for industrial and potable water purification or treatment of sewages, but also for, e.g. plantation and fish farming in order to exceed biological growth.

We provide customized solutions and service.

Our commitment is to develop new solutions and innovative applications for water treatment needs worldwide.

Check SansOx Solutions
and For Professionals!

 More about company and products

A Process of Change

SansOx‘s innovative technology has required rethinking of water treatment. This change in process of water treatment is faster and more efficient, with improved control.

All life on earth and in water is dependent on right level of oxygen. At SansOx we know how to optimize the oxygen levels in industrial and biological processes. We have used this knowledge to develop our water treatment technology and applications. We use minimum amount of energy and other resources.

Optimal water 
treatment solution

In the future, sustainability and clean water will become increasingly important. Clean and correctly oxygenated water is crucial for several industrial processes and will significantly improve the well-being of plants and natural waters.

At SansOx we believe that environmentally friendly products can also be efficient and economical. SansOx provides optimal oxygenation solutions for several branches of water treatment such as drinking water production, fish farming and industrial water processing. Our innovative products offer solutions for fast and efficient oxygenation with minimal energy consumption, energy efficiency, more controlled solids separation, and decreased need of added chemicals into water processing. We have also the understanding and applications for adding or decreasing the amount of other gases and solids in water.

Crucial oxygen into water

Water is an important resource for various industries and processes. The amount of water used for these is staggering both in quantity and value. The estimated value of water used for agriculture, industry and domestic use is valued at 90 Trillion USD annually. A saving of just 1% would be enough to fund Finland’s national budget for 15 years.

Decreasing energy and chemicals consumption in balance with nature is an essential way to restore the environment and save resources for future generations. High quality raw water leads to significantly decreased water, chemicals and energy consumption, more efficient industrial processes with less break downs and maintenance, and finally, increased quality of the products.

  • The high content of oxygen in the water is the first issue to be managed and nurtured when maintaining and recreating waters and when processing drinking and industrial waters.
  • Oxygen recreates and nurtures the natural herbarium and animal population, which keeps condition of the waters in balance efficiently.
  • In purifying of waste and runoff waters the high content of oxygen is essential due to fact that it makes removal of ferrous and other metals and different particles easier.

The OxTube

SansOx OxTube is a modular solution that can be retrofitted, easily removed, cleaned and installed in many stages of the water treatment process. OxTube can be integrated into any water flow system of fresh water processing and waste water treatment, where the OxTube provides systems with the comprehensive oxygenation and aeration. Studies and pilot cases have shown that the OxTube oxygenates water more rapidly and energy efficient when compared with existing systems. OxTube can be applied with various treatment plants and natural water flows. Investment costs are relatively low.

View OxTube in 3D mode

The SaoxFuge

SansOx SaoxFuge provides efficient separation with minimal energy consumption. A spiral separator, which separates liquids and solids of the liquid to different layers based on gravity or density of the materials. According to several studies it is easier to separate particles from water that is well oxygenated, like various metals. Spiral flow of the liquid in the tube provides sufficient centrifugal force to a sediment organization of the components. The outlet tube skims away the desired heavier material layer. The spiral separator can be combined with soaking and saturating of gas effectively, e.g. aeration or oxygenation, into the liquid which will be separated. Ejector tubes and a pressure chamber can be connected to spiral tube in order to feed gas into liquid.

View SaoxFuge in 3D mode

SansOx OxTube: Continuous vs. Conventional Process

Conventional water treatment process requires large pools and circulation of water, possibly with added chemicals and aeration, then gathering of sediment and possible filtering, which all requires remarkable investment, running, and maintenance costs.

SansOx continuous process saves most of these costs and requires much less space. Moreover, SansOx continuous process performs the whole task within seconds, while the conventional process is calculated in days. SansOx process also saves considerable amount of costs by reducing the need for added chemicals and gases, since they are mixed much faster and more effectively in OxTube and SaoxFuge. Also the energy cost in running the whole water treatment process is remarkable lower.

Case Fish

Several studies have proved the dependency between oxygen level and biological growth of fish. Rich oxygen level promotes the welfare of fish, which will become more active and eat better. Optimal oxygen level varies between fish species, but in all cases the OxTube is an ideal tool to maintain the needed oxygen level throughout the year.

The OxTube can be applied with various treatment plants and natural water flows, where it exceeds the amount of oxygen by more efficient aeration, but also pure oxygen can be fed into the process.

Case Clean

The world has seen three times volume increase in water consumption in the past 50 years. In the developed countries industries consume more than half of raw water. When looking at the total water consumption in the whole world this trend is expected to continue strongly in the future, which will create huge challenges for water service in Circular Economy. Thus, the predicted global water shortage will require massive investments in treatments for NEWater.

At SansOx, we are constantly developing means to face that arising challenge. We also believe that new technologies are the key to solve this situation, together with new way to think how waste water and sewage will be treated and how the amount of sewages can be decreassed.

The goal for SansOx solutions is to provide a system where all materials can be recovered from waste water in the way they can be reused. SansOx applications, together with our partners, offer already today an effective way for this goal. Our tools are continuous (in-line) aeration in the water process, with efficient gas infusion and chemicals mix added by separation of liquids and solids from the sewage.

More detailed info in the attachment and column For Professionals.

Case Irrigation

Inadequate concentration of oxygen in the root zone of fruit, vegetable etc. plants can become a severe constraint to growth. The benefit of increased oxygenation depends on several factors, like the type and quality of the soil and how well oxygen and other gases can penetrate the soil. E.g. a water puddle on top of earth prevents effectively gases to move in or out.

Exceeded and controlled level of oxygenation can be best achieved when using dripping or tube watering, e.g. in greenhouse vegetable production, which are able to utilise full benefit of The OxTube. This method can also reduce energy and water consumption remarkably.

Several studies have proved that a good level of oxygen improves biological welfare and growth of plants. E.g. studies in Australia reveal as high as 24 – 29 % increase of growth of fruit field, 14 – 28 % growth of cotton field, and 82 – 96 % growth of vegetable soybean.

Two examples of such studies are attached here.

A Process of Change

SansOx‘s innovative technology has required rethinking of water treatment. This change in process of water treatment is faster and more efficient, with improved control.

All life on earth and in water is dependent on right level of oxygen. At SansOx we know how to optimize the oxygen levels in industrial and biological processes. We have used this knowledge to develop our water treatment technology and applications. We use minimum amount of energy and other resources.

Optimal water treatment solution

In the future, sustainability and clean water will become increasingly important. Clean and correctly oxygenated water is crucial for several industrial processes and will significantly improve the well-being of plants and natural waters.

At SansOx we believe that environmentally friendly products can also be efficient and economical. SansOx provides optimal oxygenation solutions for several branches of water treatment such as drinking water production, fish farming and industrial water processing. Our innovative products offer solutions for fast and efficient oxygenation with minimal energy consumption, energy efficiency, more controlled solids separation, and decreased need of added chemicals into water processing. We have also the understanding and applications for adding or decreasing the amount of other gases and solids in water.

Crucial oxygen into water

Water is an important resource for various industries and processes. The amount of water used for these is staggering both in quantity and value. The estimated value of water used for agriculture, industry and domestic use is valued at 90 Trillion USD annually. A saving of just 1% would be enough to fund Finland’s national budget for 15 years.

Decreasing energy and chemicals consumption in balance with nature is an essential way to restore the environment and save resources for future generations. High quality raw water leads to significantly decreased water, chemicals and energy consumption, more efficient industrial processes with less break downs and maintenance, and finally, increased quality of the products.


  • The high content of oxygen in the water is the first issue to be managed and nurtured when maintaining and recreating waters and when processing drinking and industrial waters.
  • Oxygen recreates and nurtures the natural herbarium and animal population, which keeps condition of the waters in balance efficiently.
  • In purifying of waste and runoff waters the high content of oxygen is essential due to fact that it makes removal of ferrous and other metals and different particles easier.

The OxTube 

SansOx OxTube is a modular solution that can be retrofitted, easily removed, cleaned and installed in many stages of the water treatment process. OxTube can be integrated into any water flow system of fresh water processing and waste water treatment, where the OxTube provides systems with the comprehensive oxygenation and aeration. Studies and pilot cases have shown that the OxTube oxygenates water more rapidly and energy efficient when compared with existing systems. OxTube can be applied with various treatment plants and natural water flows. Investment costs are relatively low.

View OxTube in 3D mode

The SaoxFuge 

SansOx SaoxFuge provides efficient separation with minimal energy consumption.

A spiral separator, which separates liquids and solids of the liquid to different layers based on gravity or density of the materials. According to several studies it is easier to separate particles from water that is well oxygenated, like various metals.

Spiral flow of the liquid in the tube provides sufficient centrifugal force to a sediment organization of the components. The outlet tube skims away the desired heavier material layer.

The spiral separator can be combined with soaking and saturating of gas effectively, e.g. aeration or oxygenation, into the liquid which will be separated. Ejector tubes and a pressure chamber can be connected to spiral tube in order to feed gas into liquid.

View SaoxFuge in 3D mode

SansOx OxTube: Continuous vs. Conventional Process

Conventional water treatment process requires large pools and circulation of water, possibly with added chemicals and aeration, then gathering of sediment and possible filtering, which all requires remarkable investment, running, and maintenance costs.

SansOx continuous process saves most of these costs and requires much less space. Moreover, SansOx continuous process performs the whole task within seconds, while the conventional process is calculated in days. SansOx process also saves considerable amount of costs by reducing the need for added chemicals and gases, since they are mixed much faster and more effectively in OxTube and SaoxFuge. Also the energy cost in running the whole water treatment process is remarkable lower.

Case Fish

Several studies have proved the dependency between oxygen level and biological growth of fish. Rich oxygen level promotes the welfare of fish, which will become more active and eat better. Optimal oxygen level varies between fish species, but in all cases the OxTube is an ideal tool to maintain the needed oxygen level throughout the year.

The OxTube can be applied with various treatment plants and natural water flows, where it exceeds the amount of oxygen by more efficient aeration, but also pure oxygen can be fed into the process.

Case Clean

The world has seen three times volume increase in water consumption in the past 50 years. In the developed countries industries consume more than half of raw water. When looking at the total water consumption in the whole world this trend is expected to continue strongly in the future, which will create huge challenges for water service in Circular Economy. Thus, the predicted global water shortage will require massive investments in treatments for NEWater. 

At SansOx, we are constantly developing means to face that arising challenge. We also believe that new technologies are the key to solve this situation, together with new way to think how waste water and sewage will be treated and how the amount of sewages can be decreassed.

The goal for SansOx solutions is to provide a system where all materials can be recovered from waste water in the way they can be reused. SansOx applications, together with our partners, offer already today an effective way for this goal. Our tools are continuous (in-line) aeration in the water process, with efficient gas infusion and chemicals mix added by separation of liquids and solids from the sewage.

More detailed info in the attachment and column For Professionals.

Case Irrigation

Inadequate concentration of oxygen in the root zone of fruit, vegetable etc. plants can become a severe constraint to growth.

The benefit of increased oxygenation depends on several factors, like the type and quality of the soil and how well oxygen and other gases can penetrate the soil. E.g. a water puddle on top of earth prevents effectively gases to move in or out.

Exceeded and controlled level of oxygenation can be best achieved when using dripping or tube watering, e.g. in greenhouse vegetable production, which are able to utilise full benefit of The OxTube. This method can also reduce energy and water consumption remarkably.

Several studies have proved that a good level of oxygen improves biological welfare and growth of plants. E.g. studies in Australia reveal as high as 24 – 29 % increase of growth of fruit field, 14 – 28 % growth of cotton field, and 82 – 96 % growth of vegetable soybean.

Two examples of such studies are attached here.

Oxygen for life!

SansOx Applications & Solutions

At SansOx, we believe that a sustainable water process with efficient and economically advanced products can also be environmentally friendly.

Moreover, high quality raw water enables significantly decreased water, chemicals and energy consumption, more efficient industrial process with less maintenance and break downs, and finally increased quality of production and products.

We are actively developing and seeking new and innovative solutions for existing and future challenges by using and combining technologies in a new way. This is often achieved in cooperation with suitable partner actors and business companies as well as with research institutes and technical high schools, not to mention various funding actors and enablers. Versatile networking with international Clean Tech organizations is also a key factor in success.

For the time being, our products offer solutions for fast and optimized oxygenation, energy efficiency, more controlled solids separation, and decreased need of added chemicals into water processing. We have also applications for adding or decreasing the amount of other gases and solids in water. Provided applications suit for several branches of water treatment such as drinking water production, industrial water processing, purifying of sewages, fish farming, irrigation, and food industry.

In next sections we have presented some ideas together with SansOx solutions and systems for various types of needs and circumstances.

Customized solutions

Images of various examples of different solutions.

Efficient Aeration and Oxygenation

The Two Film Theory is one key to the water oxygenation phenomena, the diffusion in which oxygen migrates in the direction of lower solubility content from gas to water. The OxTube introduces and puts also this technology into service.

SansOx is able to reach very high saturation levels with The OxTube.

Improved Water Process
Energy Recovery and Solids Separation

Attached are two presentations for Cleantech Showroom that describe the SansOx recipe to develop and maintain an innovative, comprehensive and sustainable water treatment system with service capability. This can be achieved in cooperation with relevant actors. 

System Presentations 

SansOx Akvapure represents new compact water purification system that has been developed to fulfill the needs of people who live e.g. in countryside, on islands or suburb areas, where do not exist fresh water facilities. Akvapure produces potable water from fresh water, but it has also a desalination version.    

SansOx OxTube vs. other technologies

Attached is presented several features of The OxTube when compared to some other technologies. Also efficiency comparison presented here. 

Theories of

ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) publication of standards which are used worldwide when measuring oxygen levels.

AWWA (American Water Works Association) comprehensive publication of aeration.


Petri Hietaharju, 2013: Determining and defining of a prototype of a water aeration device and it`s oxygenation performance (The OxTube), (Finnish: Veden hapetuslaitteen prototyypin toimintaperiaatteen todentaminen ja hapetustehon määrittäminen).

Ville Laakso, 2014: Evaluating and optimizing of water aeration device (The OxTube), (Finnish: Veden ilmastuslaitteen suorituskyvyn arviointi ja optimointi)


SansOx has performed several different types of R & D and testing activities and phases in 2012 – 2015 with high level experts, before launching the new innovations to practical use. These have been performed in close cooperation with e.g. Finnish Technical Universities and other related high schools and actors, but also with process industry, fish farms and different water facilities.
This was needed in order to verify the performance of the used technologies and practical devices & tools. Meanwhile, a remarkable amount of verifying information was collected and the applications could be optimised more.

Also a number of reference and further R & D testing is going on in Finland and Europe (Autumn 2015) in close cooperation with relevant experts, water facilities and a major size worldwide operating manufacturing company.

References will be listed and described here when they are ready to become published.

SansOx Applications & Solutions

At SansOx, we believe that a sustainable water process with efficient and economically advanced products can also be environmentally friendly.

Moreover, high quality raw water enables significantly decreased water, chemicals and energy consumption, more efficient industrial process with less maintenance and break downs, and finally increased quality of production and products.

We are actively developing and seeking new and innovative solutions for existing and future challenges by using and combining technologies in a new way. This is often achieved in cooperation with suitable partner actors and business companies as well as with research institutes and technical high schools, not to mention various funding actors and enablers. Versatile networking with international Clean Tech organizations is also a key factor in success.

For the time being, our products offer solutions for fast and optimized oxygenation, energy efficiency, more controlled solids separation, and decreased need of added chemicals into water processing. We have also applications for adding or decreasing the amount of other gases and solids in water. Provided applications suit for several branches of water treatment such as drinking water production, industrial water processing, purifying of sewages, fish farming, irrigation, and food industry.

In next sections we have presented some ideas together with SansOx solutions and systems for various types of needs and circumstances.

Customized solutions

Images of various examples of different solutions.

Efficient Aeration and Oxygenation

The Two Film Theory is one key to the water oxygenation phenomena, the diffusion in which oxygen migrates in the direction of lower solubility content from gas to water. The OxTube introduces and puts also this technology into service.

SansOx is able to reach very high saturation levels with The OxTube.

Improved Water Process
Energy Recovery and Solids Separation

Attached are two presentations for Cleantech Showroom that describe the SansOx recipe to develop and maintain an innovative, comprehensive and sustainable water treatment system with service capability. This can be achieved in cooperation with relevant actors.

System Presentations 

SansOx Akvapure represents new compact water purification system that has been developed to fulfill the needs of people who live e.g. in countryside, on islands or suburb areas, where do not exist fresh water facilities. Akvapure produces potable water from fresh water, but it has also a desalination version.

SansOx OxTube vs. other technologies

Attached is presented several features of The OxTube when compared to some other technologies. Also efficiency comparison presented here.

Theories of

ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) publication of standards which are used worldwide when measuring oxygen levels.

AWWA (American Water Works Association) comprehensive publication of aeration.


Petri Hietaharju, 2013: Determining and defining of a prototype of a water aeration device and it`s oxygenation performance (The OxTube), (Finnish: Veden hapetuslaitteen prototyypin toimintaperiaatteen todentaminen ja hapetustehon määrittäminen).

Ville Laakso, 2014: Evaluating and optimizing of water aeration device (The OxTube), (Finnish: Veden ilmastuslaitteen suorituskyvyn arviointi ja optimointi)


SansOx has performed several different types of R & D and testing activities and phases in 2012 – 2015 with high level experts, before launching the new innovations to practical use. These have been performed in close cooperation with e.g. Finnish Technical Universities and other related high schools and actors, but also with process industry, fish farms and different water facilities.

This was needed in order to verify the performance of the used technologies and practical devices & tools. Meanwhile, a remarkable amount of verifying information was collected and the applications could be optimised more.

Also a number of reference and further R & D testing is going on in Finland and Europe (Autumn 2015) in close cooperation with relevant experts, water facilities and a major size worldwide operating manufacturing company.

References will be listed and described here when they are ready to become published.

SansOx Limited

SansOx Limited, a part of the Finnish Cleantech Cluster of companies, is dedicated into developing and marketing new innovative solutions and technologies for worldwide clean water market. SansOx aims also at being at the front wave in the worldwide issue concerning the global water shortage in Circular Economy, which will require massive investments in treatments for NEWater in the future.

SansOx Ltd is a dynamic and growth oriented start-up company, founded in 2012. We are strongly networking worldwide and willing to co-operate with suitable and credible actors in the market. SansOx is currently preparing to be listed in suitable stock market in near future in order to promote the muscles and marketing efforts for the planned expanding of the company and brand.

We are constantly working on new innovations in order to develop products that are optimal for the needs of our customers. We aim at bringing cost-effective solutions, quality improvement, and genuine added value to our customers.

Business ID of SansOx Ltd: 2467832-6

SansOx signed a significant contract to China
SansOx saavutti arvokkaan sopimuksen Kiinaan
Schweizerishe Zeitung Walliser Bote schrieb über Juhani Pylkkänen & SansOx
Swiss newspaper Walliser Bote writes about Juhani Pylkkänen & SansOx
China Paper Newsletter published a SansOx article about New process water treatment system VoxSton in July 2016
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SansOx yrittää Aasiaan, kirjoittaa Savon Sanomat Vientiponnistelupalstallaan
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Sansox mentioned in Sanomalehti


Sansox releases new update


New water innovation


Sansox purcahses new office


Sansox releases new update


New water innovation


Sansox mentioned in Sanomalehti


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Mikael Seppälä,

Juhani Pylkkänen,
Chief Engineer
+358 40 8669506

Jukka Järvinen,
+358 415171477

Jukka Hakola,
International Sales
and marketing
+358 40 500 1123

Tuomo Rajala,
Product expert
+358 44 2719227

Jarno Leivonen,
Project development
+358 40 506 8444

Tate Vanhamäki,
Communications and marketing
+358 50 5736 987

Esko Lopperi,
CAD drawings
+358 400 538 233

Mikael Seppälä, Managing Director

Our Chief “Mikki” is a multinational person with strong experience from a large variety of start-up companies. He has proved excellent networking skills. Mikki is a professional leader who is easy to approach. His M.Sc. business degrees extend from colleges in Helsinki to California, where he lived for three years.

+358 500 603 020

Juhani Pylkkänen, Chief Engineer

Our most experienced team member Juhani has a remarkable career in engineering, R&D and technology management. His profound and extensive experience comes from such companies as ABB, Wärtsilä, Agco and Moventas, where he was responsible for R&D. He has been also the Professor of Production Technology at the University of Oulu. Juhani useseffectively his network of professionals of various technologies and sciences when he is creating new solutions and brainstorming new products. Since Juhani enjoys mountainous scenery he lives in Switzerland.

+358 40 8669506

Jukka Järvinen, Finances

A serial entrepreneur with a Masters’ degree in economics, Jukka is involved in many industries via his various conquests and other startups. He is a person with considerable business authority but is still a very easy going guy.

+358 41 517 1477

Jukka Hakola,
Commercial Director 

Jukka has an extended multinational working career in technology companies like Wärtsilä, Numcore (part of Outotec today) and U-Cont, from where he possesses extensive experience of sales, marketing and general management. Jukka has graduated both as M.Sc in Industrial Engineering and M.Sc in Economics / Management accounting. Now he uses his well-formed networks to promote our sales and marketing.

+358 40 500 1123

Tuomo Rajala, Product expert

Tuomo is our hands-on engineer with outstanding knowledge in product development in the field of water treatment. Before starting his own filtering technology company, Akva-Filter, he had a long career at Metso Group. Tuomo brings into SansOx proved experience in watertreatment equipment and processes. He works also close to the customers.

+358 44 271 9227

Jarno Leivonen, Project development

Jarno has more than 15 years of experience of running various projects both for industrial companies and for public sector, which includes development and improving of their processes. In his studies Jarno has concentrated mostly in physics in energy technology and environmental technology with water treatment. He will be seen to large extent in the field, working with our customer projects.

+358 40 506 8444

Tate Vanhamäki,
Communications and marketing 

Fully served career and retired as a commander from the Finnish Navy. The decades in the Navy have made him a pro leader / manager and planner in an international context; in Operations, HR, R&D fields, and Sports. Tate has also experience of stock markets plus sales and marketing with appropriate business education.

+358 50 5736 987

Esko Lopperi, CAD drawings

Esko is the person who turns the brilliant innovations into detailed production drawings for industrial applications. Esko has also experience of various planning and R&D jobs.

+358 400 538 233

SansOx Hall of Fame

SansOx signed a significant contract to China
SansOx saavutti arvokkaan sopimuksen Kiinaan
Schweizerishe Zeitung Walliser Bote schrieb über Juhani Pylkkänen & SansOx
Swiss newspaper Walliser Bote writes about Juhani Pylkkänen & SansOx
China Paper Newsletters published a SansOx article about New process water treatment system VoxSton in July 2016
Savon Sanomat kirjoittaa vesiasiaa ja SansOx:sta
SansOx yrittää Aasiaan, kirjoittaa Savon Sanomat Vientiponnistelupalstallaan
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4th floor, One Nation Hub

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SansOx has moved to Helsinki Centre on 21st DEC 16. Meet us, we will offer you coffee!

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