For Professionals

SansOx Applications & Solutions

At SansOx, we believe that a sustainable water process with efficient and economically advanced products can also be environmentally friendly.

Moreover, high quality raw water enables significantly decreased water, chemicals and energy consumption, more efficient industrial process with less maintenance and break downs, and finally increased quality of production and products.

We are actively developing and seeking new and innovative solutions for existing and future challenges by using and combining technologies in a new way. This is often achieved in cooperation with suitable partner actors and business companies as well as with research institutes and technical high schools, not to mention various funding actors and enablers. Versatile networking with international Clean Tech organizations is also a key factor in success.

For the time being, our products offer solutions for fast and optimized oxygenation, energy efficiency, more controlled solids separation, and decreased need of added chemicals into water processing. We have also applications for adding or decreasing the amount of other gases and solids in water. Provided applications suit for several branches of water treatment such as drinking water production, industrial water processing, purifying of sewages, fish farming, irrigation, and food industry.

In next sections we have presented some ideas together with SansOx solutions and systems for various types of needs and circumstances.

Customized solutions

Images of various examples of different solutions.

Efficient Aeration and Oxygenation

The Two Film Theory is one key to the water oxygenation phenomena, the diffusion in which oxygen migrates in the direction of lower solubility content from gas to water. The OxTube introduces and puts also this technology into service.

SansOx is able to reach very high saturation levels with The OxTube.

Improved Water Process
Energy Recovery and Solids Separation

Attached are two presentations for Cleantech Showroom that describe the SansOx recipe to develop and maintain an innovative, comprehensive and sustainable water treatment system with service capability. This can be achieved in cooperation with relevant actors. 

System Presentations 

SansOx Akvapure represents new compact water purification system that has been developed to fulfill the needs of people who live e.g. in countryside, on islands or suburb areas, where do not exist fresh water facilities. Akvapure produces potable water from fresh water, but it has also a desalination version.    

SansOx OxTube vs. other technologies

Attached is presented several features of The OxTube when compared to some other technologies. Also efficiency comparison presented here. 

Theories of

ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) publication of standards which are used worldwide when measuring oxygen levels.

AWWA (American Water Works Association) comprehensive publication of aeration.


Petri Hietaharju, 2013: Determining and defining of a prototype of a water aeration device and it`s oxygenation performance (The OxTube), (Finnish: Veden hapetuslaitteen prototyypin toimintaperiaatteen todentaminen ja hapetustehon määrittäminen).

Ville Laakso, 2014: Evaluating and optimizing of water aeration device (The OxTube), (Finnish: Veden ilmastuslaitteen suorituskyvyn arviointi ja optimointi)


SansOx has performed several different types of R & D and testing activities and phases in 2012 – 2015 with high level experts, before launching the new innovations to practical use. These have been performed in close cooperation with e.g. Finnish Technical Universities and other related high schools and actors, but also with process industry, fish farms and different water facilities.
This was needed in order to verify the performance of the used technologies and practical devices & tools. Meanwhile, a remarkable amount of verifying information was collected and the applications could be optimised more.

Also a number of reference and further R & D testing is going on in Finland and Europe (Autumn 2015) in close cooperation with relevant experts, water facilities and a major size worldwide operating manufacturing company.

References will be listed and described here when they are ready to become published.

SansOx Applications & Solutions

At SansOx, we believe that a sustainable water process with efficient and economically advanced products can also be environmentally friendly.

Moreover, high quality raw water enables significantly decreased water, chemicals and energy consumption, more efficient industrial process with less maintenance and break downs, and finally increased quality of production and products.

We are actively developing and seeking new and innovative solutions for existing and future challenges by using and combining technologies in a new way. This is often achieved in cooperation with suitable partner actors and business companies as well as with research institutes and technical high schools, not to mention various funding actors and enablers. Versatile networking with international Clean Tech organizations is also a key factor in success.

For the time being, our products offer solutions for fast and optimized oxygenation, energy efficiency, more controlled solids separation, and decreased need of added chemicals into water processing. We have also applications for adding or decreasing the amount of other gases and solids in water. Provided applications suit for several branches of water treatment such as drinking water production, industrial water processing, purifying of sewages, fish farming, irrigation, and food industry.

In next sections we have presented some ideas together with SansOx solutions and systems for various types of needs and circumstances.

Customized solutions

Images of various examples of different solutions.

Efficient Aeration and Oxygenation

The Two Film Theory is one key to the water oxygenation phenomena, the diffusion in which oxygen migrates in the direction of lower solubility content from gas to water. The OxTube introduces and puts also this technology into service.

SansOx is able to reach very high saturation levels with The OxTube.

Improved Water Process
Energy Recovery and Solids Separation

Attached are two presentations for Cleantech Showroom that describe the SansOx recipe to develop and maintain an innovative, comprehensive and sustainable water treatment system with service capability. This can be achieved in cooperation with relevant actors.

System Presentations 

SansOx Akvapure represents new compact water purification system that has been developed to fulfill the needs of people who live e.g. in countryside, on islands or suburb areas, where do not exist fresh water facilities. Akvapure produces potable water from fresh water, but it has also a desalination version.

SansOx OxTube vs. other technologies

Attached is presented several features of The OxTube when compared to some other technologies. Also efficiency comparison presented here.

Theories of

ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) publication of standards which are used worldwide when measuring oxygen levels.

AWWA (American Water Works Association) comprehensive publication of aeration.


Petri Hietaharju, 2013: Determining and defining of a prototype of a water aeration device and it`s oxygenation performance (The OxTube), (Finnish: Veden hapetuslaitteen prototyypin toimintaperiaatteen todentaminen ja hapetustehon määrittäminen).

Ville Laakso, 2014: Evaluating and optimizing of water aeration device (The OxTube), (Finnish: Veden ilmastuslaitteen suorituskyvyn arviointi ja optimointi)


SansOx has performed several different types of R & D and testing activities and phases in 2012 – 2015 with high level experts, before launching the new innovations to practical use. These have been performed in close cooperation with e.g. Finnish Technical Universities and other related high schools and actors, but also with process industry, fish farms and different water facilities.

This was needed in order to verify the performance of the used technologies and practical devices & tools. Meanwhile, a remarkable amount of verifying information was collected and the applications could be optimised more.

Also a number of reference and further R & D testing is going on in Finland and Europe (Autumn 2015) in close cooperation with relevant experts, water facilities and a major size worldwide operating manufacturing company.

References will be listed and described here when they are ready to become published.