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At SansOx, we have developed several modern innovations that can combine versatile technologies in a new way. They grant a prosperous approach to create economical future water treatment systems that are more efficient with reduced cost – and represent sustainable environmental values.

The different solutions, their novelty and ingenuity, efficiency and principles are presented here under. All company general info can be found from SansOx home page, which can be reached by the menu bar link.

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SansOx can aerate and oxygenate water far more efficiently than other existing system providers. This stands also when dissolving other gases and various chemicals into water or liquid. Using this method allows the oxygen to stay dissolved in the water much longer than when compared to other traditional aeration methods.

The backbone application for all this is called The OxTube and it won the WssTP EU Innovation Award in 2014. Today The OxTube is used as different versions in various industrial and potable water facilities and tested successfully in other sites like fish farming. The basic idea of the solution and its effectivity can be viewed here.

Key advantages of the OxTube include e.g. quick dissolving and superior efficiency, no moving parts, modularity, ease of servicing and possibility to change module parts or even use parallel tubes if needed in a sensitive process.
The description and presentation of the working principle and features of the OxTube together with some test results and examples of applications are presented here.

The OxTube combines different technologies. One theory on the background is the Two Film Theory.

We can reduce or increase pH in process water quickly and economically within seconds, which saves time and costs, and secures consistent water quality.

Both directions are performed with the OxTube, which is capable of dissolving oxygen and most gases very fast and effectively in a continuous process. When reducing pH we feed CO2 in flowing water in the OxTube. CO2 feed can be adjusted automatically.
pH increase can be performed quickly and continuously. We add first air in flowing water, since well dissolved oxygen makes it easier and more efficient to dissolve lye in the next phase in OxTube.

All chemicals and gases used normally for adjusting of pH can be used in the OxTube and SansOx applications. SansOx recipe saves roughly half of the chemicals used for pH balancing because of most efficient mixing of chemicals and dissolving of gases.

These processes use the existing water flow, so no extra energy is needed for pumping or such. There are no moving parts in the OxTube and the modules can be washed if needed.

These processes have been well tested and run in Finland.

SansOx modular OxTube recipe grants a great way to purify raw water most effectively by its quality, but also fast and economically, in a continuous process.

Here ozone is fed into the water flow, where it purifies the water, which is then intensified by efficient dissolving of oxygen by feeding air into the process. Ceramic filter CerTube finalises the result.

Since the OxTube utilizes the existing water flow, no added energy for pumping or such is needed.

This system has been tested in Finland, but without The CerTube.

Check also solution example for Potable Water Generation, presented below on the left as the last solution.  

We can purify sulfide from water at least 50 % more effectively and far faster than other existing systems. This is performed in seconds and most economically.

SansOx is using here the OxTube, which is capable of dissolving oxygen and most gases very fast and effectively in a continuous process. Here we use 2 pieces of the OxTube assembled in sequence in the pipeline. By adding lye, air and hydrogen peroxide in the flowing water we are able to remove sulfide in seconds (sulfide S2- or hydrogen sulfide H2S).

Roughly half of ingredients can be saved, because the OxTube is capable of mixing and dissolving most efficiently. The process runs with the energy of the existing water flow.

This application and solution of that process has been tested in a waste water plant in Finland.

We are able to reduce dioxane levels remarkably and remove dioxane from water effectively and fast within seconds, which is unique technology for the time being.

SansOx is using here a specific combination of the modular OxTube, which is capable of dissolving oxygen most effectively in an immediate process. This capability is used also in this solution to aid the main process of getting rid of dioxane. First we dissolve a high concentration of oxygen into the water flow, next add hydrogen peroxide and finally use a C-Active filter in the end of the pipeline.

SansOx technology can save not just a lot of time, but also huge capitals, since cleaning of dioxane from nature is expensive and time consuming.

This solution has been examined carefully, but testing in order to verify end results will take place later on.

SansOx can create continuous reaction and separation process in running water (or liquid) flow that takes place in seconds and saves at least 50 % of energy cost, not to mention savings in space / room, dismissed large floatation pools, optimized consumption of chemicals and gases, and so on. Moreover, the flow and reaction will remain steady and can be customized to large extent according to the customer (wanted) process.

SansOx is using here the OxTube, which is capable of dissolving and mixing gases and many chemicals most effectively and fast. First, if needed, chemicals are fed into the flow by a dispenser. Next air, oxygen, or other needed gas can be fed into the flow. The fed ingredients are dissolved most quickly and effectively in the OxTube and next led to bottom of a flotation pool. In the flotation the wanted solids or particles will stick to the bubbles and ascend to surface, where the concentrate / foam can be removed.

Only one pump is needed to maintain steady flow. There are no moving parts in this system. Parallel OxTubes can be used in order to avoid service interruptions in process.

This system is in use in a medium size water plant in Finland. The system is most effective in removing e.g. Fe, Mn, Al, Cu and so on.

This integrated system is simpler, but good for processes where mixing, dissolving and separation is needed with equipment that is kind of straighter and collects less impurities of the process. Still, this version provides fast and economical dissolving, mixing and separation in continuous process that saves e.g. at least half of energy costs. The flow and reaction will remain steady.

SansOx is using here the OxTube without the Impact module. Here the coagulant, and gas if needed, will be mixed and dissolved fast and efficiently in order to create efficient flocculation, where the wanted particles stick to the bubbles and ascend to surface, where the concentrate / foam can be removed.

The system needs no extra pump or stirring device in flotation and there are no moving parts. Parallel OxTubes can be used in order to avoid service interruptions in process.

SansOx Vortex Flow Flotation, called The VoxFlotation by its product name, is a new important innovation for most efficient mixing and dissolving of air and coagulants in order to enhance flocks and solids collection.

VoxFlotation system is able to double flocks and solids collection with roughly halved energy consumption when compared to present advanced systems. Moreover, it can be utilized also for difficult concentrate waters, produced e.g. by pulp and paper mills. This concept allows also getting rid of large waste water container pools used in P&P industry, and elsewhere, too.

The VoxFlotation system consists of a customized OxTube for efficient mixing and dissolving of air and coagulants. After the OxTube more air is added before The Vortex Flow Generator, which creates the SansOx Vortex Flow that is able to collect flocks and solids most efficiently. On top of the flotation vessel an accurate Foam Scraper with height control will remove foam and concentrate to be cared separately by e.g. SaoxFuges and Milston separators.

Also Concentrate Water can be treated with the VoxFlotation principle, where dispersion water is used in suitable ratio with that concentrate water, as described on page four in the presentation here below.

Note: Other system providers claim often that they are using DAF technology (Dissolved Air Flotation), but in fact they use dispersion water with just air bubbles. That is not DAF, since in DAF means using dissolved gas like SansOx VoxFlotation does. Hence impurities stick more effectively and ascend to surface.

This system has been test driven succesfully at a major pulp & paper mill site in Finland and further testing is scheduled.

The OxTube can benefit biological growth remarkably, since it is able to dissolve and mix efficiently oxygen, CO2 and fertilizers.

Inadequate concentration of oxygen in the root zone of fruit, vegetable etc. can become a constraint to growth. According to research, oxygen dissolved in to the irrigation water enhances the growth of plant roots and micro air bubbles keep the soil spongy. Fertilizers, and natural growth boosting ingredients like ash and carbon, can be dosed in to the irrigation water.

The OxTube has and is being tested in Finland and Spain in order to gather more experimental information.

Several studies have proved that a good level of oxygen improves biological welfare and growth of plants. The benefit of increased oxygenation depends on several factors, like the type and quality of the soil and how well oxygen and other gases can penetrate the soil. E.g. a water puddle on top of earth prevents effectively gases to move in or out. Exceeded and controlled level of oxygenation can be best achieved when using dripping or tube watering, e.g. in greenhouse production, where full benefit of the OxTube can be utilised. This method can also reduce energy and water consumption remarkably.

E.g. studies in Australia reveal as high as 24 – 29 % increase of growth of fruit field, 14 – 28 % growth of cotton field, and 82 – 96 % growth of vegetable soybean. Two examples of such studies are attached here.

The OxTube can be integrated into a pump circuit in order to achieve very high performance with very low extra energy consumption.

When the OxTube is installed in a pipeline it causes very little resistance to the water (liquid) flow. When integrated into a pump circuit we achieve high air ejection and efficient dissolving. Also other gases and chemicals can be fed and mixed with the OxTube into the pump circuit. Micro bubbles are minimized and dissolving maximized in order to avoid cavitation effect.

Reaction gases can be removed safely from the flowing liquid with The Gas Remover.

The OxTube causes quick reactions in the treated liquid, e.g. water, due to its efficient mixing and dissolving of fed ingredients, and reaction gases are generated in the piping already. It can be installed in optimal places in order to collect different reaction gases individually, so that they can be let out or treated safely, according to the need in each case.

SansOx provide fast and efficient separation with minimal energy consumption and as a continuous process in a tube, which can also reduce a lot the need of large flotation pools. Total estimated investing and life cycle running costs can be reduced by more than 50 %, depending of the site / facility and when compared to existing type systems.

SansOx SaoxFuge is a spiral separator, which separates liquids and solids of the liquid to different layers based on gravity and density of the materials. According to several studies, it is easier to separate particles from water that is well oxygenated, like various metals. Therefore we use often The SaoxFuge in combination with the OxTube.

In the SaoxFuge, spiral flow of the liquid in the tube provides sufficient centrifugal force to a sediment organization of the components. The outlet tube skims away the desired heavier material layer. The spiral separator can be combined with soaking and saturating of gas effectively, e.g. aeration or oxygenation, into the liquid which will be separated. Ejector tubes and a pressure chamber can be connected to spiral tube in order to feed gas into liquid.

The SaoxFuge won the EU Innovation Award in 2015 (WssTP) and is used in various SansOx systems.

SansOx can provide top quality purity cleaning of water with a specially constructed ceramic filter - the CerTube, which offers several benefits when compared to existing ceramic filters. This brings on remarkable cost savings in use and servicing.

The CerTube ceramic filter is most effective to remove various biological objects and chemical stuffs from water, and also reducing the amount of small particles with high percentage.

The CerTube possesses an inside spiral construction, which creates a vortex flow in the filter and supports the filter structure so that the filter can be manufactured thinner.

Thinner ceramic filters collect less dirt. The vortex flow also helps to keep the filter surface clean. The CerTube flushes itself all the time and the dirty water is removed by the outlet pipe. The CerTube filter cartridge can be used, taken out and cleaned more than 100 times.
- As a comparison, those ceramic filters that can be cleaned and used again, can be used normally around 60 times.

The CerTube can be combined with other SansOx applications, like the OxTube (check Solution nb 3), where it guarantees an even better end result.

Ceramic filters are widely used in water purification purposes and they are very cost effective.

Need for top class purified water at an isolated or remote site? SansOx Akvapure is a perfect solution for that need, since it is movable, container based system with advanced purification and scalable capacity.

SansOx Akvapure represents new compact water purification system that has been developed to fulfill the needs of people who live e.g. in countryside, on islands or suburb areas, where do not exist fresh water facilities. Using of OxTube technology also here gives certain benefits for purification process and saves energy.

Akvapure produces potable water from fresh water, but it has also a desalination version.

SansOx solutions and applications prove to be more modular and thus grant better possibilities for variations than other systems in the market. Modularity, in turn, means cost savings in investment phase as the customer process needs can be better tailored and secured, which also affects to running costs and consumption of process ingredients, like chemicals, coagulants, and gases.

Optimal solutions can be created according to the actual needs. The order and number of different modules of OxTube, but also most of the applications we provide when used together in a system, can be customized to large extent. This applies also to sizes, order, and number of modules and devices used in a specific solution. Also materials can be adjusted in some cases, e.g. for durability or cleaning needs. The next image gives an example of a customized OxTube.

SansOx solutions can be planned and constructed in a manner, where 24/7 running needs can be fulfilled whenever needed. Qualified service personnel by SansOx or our agent companies worldwide will be at your disposal when needed. The service personnel of a customer company can also be trained for regular maintenance duties.

The devices are also designed to keep ease of service in mind, not to mention easily replaced modules and parts, since we are using standard fittings, flanges and so on. The need for frequent cleaning in certain processes can be taken care of to some extent by material choices, but always by planning of each system according to that specific need.

This does not require duplication of devices in all cases, since well-done system planning, testing, supervision, service and right choice of materials play also an important role. Still, at least in critical points, we always recommend duplication of devices. Duplication of devices allow the service to be done without stopping the water (liquid) flow, i.e. the running process, as in this example of parallel OxTubes.

SansOx modern approach to water treatment makes the processes performed quickly in tubes and makes large and time consuming treating in large pools (and those pools) unnecessary,  saves resources, energy, and running costs while turning sludge into reusable water and solids. And saves at least 25 – 50 % of costs in various phases.

SansOx can perform also closed WW systems, where unwanted substances will be collected from the process and water can be circulated several times in the production process.

The system description example in the file below gives understanding of SansOx Modern WW Concept that is modular and can be customized to large extent to customer process needs.

Here we separate the sludge with SaoxFuges and Milston separators and treat the pre separated water with OxTubes, which perform high level oxygenation into the water, which is then led to bottom of a small flotation pool. In the flotation the wanted solids or particles will stick to the bubbles and ascend to surface, where the concentrate / foam can be removed. A sand filter can be used in order to finalize a top class purification. Gases, chemicals and coagulants can be added into the process in OxTubes, if needed.

The prices mentioned here on the second page are an example calculated for Chinese Pulp & Paper market, which is considered the most competed market with lowest prices.

SansOx can produce top class potable water from not just average normal sources, but also from challenging starting points. Because of using OxTube and other innovations we are able to make the process fast and effective, mostly in tubes, which brings great cost savings in investing phase, but as well life time running and service costs will be remarkably lower than in existing average water making facilities. E.g. energy costs can be halved because of less pumping and not needed stirring in pools.

Moreover, SansOx made water is not just top class purified, but also top class oxygenated by dissolving, which makes the high oxygen level remain for days. This, in turn, provides large healthy welfare benefits e.g. for human beings and more efficient biological growth for plants and fish.

The file underneath describes an example of a comprehensive potable water production site. Construction of these systems depend a lot of the water type and quality plus cost of chemicals.

In the beginning, the bigger impurities are separated by SaoxFuges and water led to OxTubes, which oxygenate the water well by dissolving. Also lime can be added according to the need of pH balancing here.

From the OxTubes water is led to bottom of a small flotation pool. In the flotation the wanted solids or particles will stick to the bubbles and ascend to surface, where the concentrate / foam can be removed. Next the same is repeated, but also with ferrosulfate to improve flocking. After filtering we perform disinfection in OxTubes and final pH adjustment together with clarity improvement in the final phase before distribution to consumers.

SansOx based potable water system is running in a medium size facility in Finland.

We provide also large variety of smaller systems according to the needs, which include also lightweight movable container based systems and desalination, the SansOx Akvapure water purification systems, for e.g. remote areas  without proper potable drinking water facilities.

There exist wide range of research results of high oxygen levels benefits for human welfare, e.g. of the positive effects when consumed internally by drinking or breathing, but also through skin breathing effect, e.g. when showering or enjoying a sauna bath.